the George

theMage: the George is a lgbtq night club in Dublin.


theMage: shows, in real time, the attempts made to login into some server of the owner.

Open Work at twillio

theMage: Small post describing how twillio is changing to allow people to work from anywhere they want.

John Meiert' blog

theMage: John is a frontend developer and author of several books, most of them about frontend development

Tremor - react dashboard

theMage: Tremor is a react library to build dashboards, licensed with apache license

Fly IO - app servers on demand

theMage: is a shared application hosting - something like shared kubernetes. Maybe a good option to run low footprint applications. In you can run anything that runs from a docker image.

Hash IDs

theMage: Hash IDs are generated from sequencial ids, but are not sequencial, so they can be used in urls without exposing the progression rate of the base IDs


theMage: Climeworks is a company dedicated at removing CO2 from the atmosphere. They allow individuals to signup to have CO2 removed for them.