Hugging Face - the AI community building the future
Hugging Face is a community repository of AI modules and datasets that can be used to train new models.
Gently Down the Stream - Kafka for kids
Gently Down the Stream is a simple explanation of what Kafka is for kids, in the format of a small ilustrated book, using otters as the producers and consumers of messages
Nicky Case - Ballot playground
the ballot playground is an interactive explanation of several different voting systems and how each of them impacts the results, including mini-games that allow you to test how different elections play out with each of the different voting systems.
Best books for pride week, by Mashable
This is a list of gay romances curated by the Mashable team
Home Cookd
HomeCookd is a website where you can order homecooked food - currently just starting, in Amsterdam, Netherlands
SQL medium text performance
Blog post about the impact of medium sized text data in Postgresql
Linguistic Humour by Beatrice Santorini
Language related jokes, mostly from the UK.