
theMage: Minimaterials is a website that sells miniature construction materials. Amazing for your miniature maquetes.

Unsplash - photos freely usable

theMage: Unsplash is a repository of photos that can be used without asking for permission or paying any fees, even for commercial purposes (excluding selling the photos). You should attribute the photos.

Project Farm - youtube channel testing power tools

theMage: Project farms have videos where they test power tools against each other - there is a video for you with you don't know which drill, pressure washer, saw or even boots to buy.

Jornal of Universal Rejection

theMage: The Journal of Universal Rejection is a scientific journal that rejects 100% of the submissions it gets.

Rolluiken shop

theMage: Rolluiken are rolling shutters for the windows (in dutch) - this a store that sells rolling shutters in the netherlands

Verano Roller Shutters

theMage: Company that sells several types of light reducing mechanisms, including roller shutters, in the Netherlands

unDraw - opensource illustrations

theMage: unDraw is an open source collection of illustrations that can be freely used for (almost) any project

Lucide Icons

theMage: Lucide Icons are an open source, community driven icon library that can be used for any project.

Folklore - the original macintosh

theMage: Anecdotes about the development of Apple's original Macintosh, and the people who made it

A shell utiliy to handle semantic versions

theMage: the semver-tool allow you to bump, compare and diff versions using the semantic version syntax.

American Book Center

theMage: The American Book Center is a chain of bookstores in the netherlands - the stores are an amazing place for booklovers