unDraw - opensource illustrations
unDraw is an open source collection of illustrations that can be freely used for (almost) any project
Ferengi's rules of acquisition
From the star trek universe, the Ferengi's rules of acquisition are the rules of the ultra capitalist - and not always strictly honest - big eared aliens.
Average Cooking Revipes
The Average Recipes website looks for recipes of any dish you want to cook and find an average recipe based on all the recipes it can find for that dish.
Extra Ordinary comics
Extra ordinary are comics, drawn by Li Chen, about all kids of stuff. Generally quite fun.
Programming in the 21st century
Blog about stuff that is somewhat related with programming and technology, a lot of it tangentially twisted.
Verano Roller Shutters
Company that sells several types of light reducing mechanisms, including roller shutters, in the Netherlands
Rolluiken shop
Rolluiken are rolling shutters for the windows (in dutch) - this a store that sells rolling shutters in the netherlands
Dutch Income Tax Calculator
Starting from your gross monthly/yearly salary, you can see what the net salary is.
Material Version 3
This is the mannual pages for Material 3 - the May 2023 version of the Material design for Android.
Maps distort how we see the world
Maps that show how our image of the world is distorted by the current usage of the Mercator projection.
the 1x Engineer
This website is a small list of characteristcs of a 1x Engineer, the base line against which the mythical 10x engineer should be measured (but rarely is).
Conventional Commits
Conventional Commits is a convention on how to write commit messages that allow for to calculate release versions from the commit messages
theMage: shows, in real time, the attempts made to login into some server of the owner.