Luminaly - find free ebooks online

theMage: This website lists more than 600 ebooks that you can legally find online for free.

Comics Kingdom

Comic's Collector: The comics kingdom is a website with several dozens of cartoons.

Comics on Arcamax

Comic's Collector: Arcamax comics is home of several dozen cartoons, including some very interesting editorial comics.

unDraw - opensource illustrations

theMage: unDraw is an open source collection of illustrations that can be freely used for (almost) any project

Fediverse Party

Fediverse Dweller: Fediverse.Party is a website that lists the most important projects of distributed social networks. In there you can find a platform and/or a server that can host your next online profile for yourself or for one of your alter-egos.

Go Comics

Comic's Collector: Go Comics is a website with hundreds of comics, including some of the most popular cartoons you find in newspapers around the world.