Open Books

theMage: Open books is a ebook store where you can buy ebooks without DRM - it is also one of the first ebook stores where you can download the books and later pay what you want for the books.

Lulu bookstore

theMage: Lulu is an independent bookstore, and allow writers to publish their own books, both in digital or electronic format.


theMage: Leanpub is a platform to create and publish ebooks and online courses. It is also a good place to find ebooks drm free.

Neal's Fun

theMage: Neal's website is a fun collection of games and fun facts demonstrations.

Material Version 3

theMage: This is the mannual pages for Material 3 - the May 2023 version of the Material design for Android.

Wizard Zines

theMage: Wizard Zines is a website is a bunch of tech related "zines" explaining different types of topics related with programming and computer systems - in comic format. Really amazing comics.

Free Code Camp

theMage: FreeCodeCamp is a community of people who are leaning to code. Everything is 100% free, including courses, projects and even some certifications.


theMage: Etherpad is an opensource colaborative text editor that be used as is, or to create more complex systems.

Urban photo race

theMage: Urban photo race is a meetup of photographers that take pictures in a city for s day and compete for the best photo

Futility Closet

theMage: the Futility Closet is a blog of factoids of little relevance. Not too useful, but quite fun to read

Commit Mono Font

theMage: Commit Mono is a monospace font that you can customize in the website before you download it, to create the font that you like most (or not).


theMage: Civitai is a repository of AI models that can be downloaded, a lot of them for free, some with a payment.