
Learning for Live: Five-day courses in development for Apple's iOS and tvOS. The material covers Swift and Objective-C and goes into several Apple toolkits. Each class is limited to ten students. Students get three months of technical support after completion.

The Dev Masters

Learning for Live: The emphasis here is on data science. No previous programming experience is required. The available courses range from four days to twelve weeks. The course on Mastering Applied Data Science begins with six weeks of learning skills in Python programming and mathematical statistics. The next six weeks consists of project-based learning with in-person instruction. Courses are taught in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Irvine.

Data Application Lab

Learning for Live: Courses in data science and data engineering are available. Courses in specific technologies include Java, Python, SQL, and MEAN stack. The courses typically run 4 to 6 weeks. The website is bilingual, in English and Japanese.

Coding Dojo

Learning for Live: Three-month courses are available on several full stacks. Each bootcamp covers three stacks. The available stacks vary by location. The technologies covered include iOS, Ruby on Rails, Python, MEAN, .NET, and Java.

Beach Coders Academy

Learning for Live: Part-time four-week immersive programs in El Segundo. The focus is front end web development and UX design. The Codewave immersion program covers JavaScript, jQuery, Sass, AJAX, React, JSX, and other topics. One-on-one sessions are available. Only basic computer skills are required

Academy X

Learning for Live: Three-month bootcamps on a large range of topics. The average class size is five students. Courses designated as bootcamps cover Java, XML, PHP with MySQL, Ruby on Rails, Adobe PhoneGap, and Allova XML applications. A free retake is allowed with restrictions, and a retake with an 80% discount is allowed to most others.


Learning for Live: Sixteen-week mobile development bootcamps for Android and iOS. The iOS course covers the XCode environment, the Swift and Objective-C languages, the iOS library, and cloud interfacing. The Android course covers Java SQLite, Android frameworks, data persistence, MVC design, and asynchronous programming.

Startup Institute

Learning for Live: Courses on Ruby, digital marketing, web design, and JavaScript. The focus is largely on "soft skills" such as networking.


Learning for Live: The large selection of courses covers topics such as Java, .NET, Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, and MySQL. Courses range from 2 to 5 days and range from introductory to advanced. Many of the classes deal with security-related issues. Companies can arrange for customized classes for their employees.


Learning for Live: An eight-week evening course in the Unity game development platform. The course covers C# and Unity scripting. Specific topics include animation, game physics, input, libraries, and plugins. Students will create games for a mobile device using Unity 2D and 3D technology. Previous experience isn't required.

ONLC Training Centers

Learning for Live: courses on JavaScript, web development, Perl, Python, and Java. Individual courses are generally three to five days long and form sequences. The Java courses include advanced topics such as JAX-RS and JAXP. Previous experience is required for some courses.

Noble Desktop

Learning for Live: A series of courses offering a certificate in web design. Day, night, and weekend schedules are available. The most coding-oriented course is "JavaScript and jQuery," which introduces the language, explains the DOM, and teaches specific applications of jQuery.

New York Code + Design Academy

Learning for Live: Twelve-week courses of on front and back-end web development. The Web Development Intensive course covers JavaScript for the front end and Ruby for the back-end. Web Development Intensive with JavaScript covers similar topics but uses Node.js for the back-end.