
A Numeral: The website tries to bring accountability to public officials by exposing deception and their lies. It’s an attempt to bring more factual accuracy to the public discourse which is not just limited to politics, but also extends to TV ads, speeches, interviews, and news releases.


A Numeral: PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others on its Truth-O-Meter.


A Numeral: Over the years, Snopes has been the go-to place for fact-checking myths and rumors and now, it has become an authoritative reference for debunking half-truths and outrageous claims. If you are unaware, Snopes is one of the oldest fact-checking websites on the internet and it was started by David and Barbara Mikkelson in 1994. Apart from its huge repository of debunked stories, Snopes still tackles fake news and misinformation in a smart way.

Co-op board games

the Bored Gamer: Co-op board games is a website dedicated to review co-operative board games.

The Dice Tower

The Board Gamer: The Dice Tower is dedicated to getting folks to learn about the wide world of exciting new board games.


the Bored Gamer: Ludology is a podcast about gaming, specifically board games - with a big focus on the why of gaming - where do concepts in gaming come from, why use common concepts, etc.

Panda Game Manufacturing

the Bored Gamer: Panda Game Manufactoring is a custom game factory that does a lot of different types of game components, from boxes and cards to plastic, metal and resin components.

Long Pack Games

the Bored Gamer: Long Pack Games is a game manufacturer, who have their own games and help designers get their games produced.

Kylin Board Game

the Bored Gamer: Kylin is a board game manufacture who does custom pieces of all types and can help you check your game idea, make a few copies of the game or help you mass produce it.

Book Organizer Deluxe

Bookaholic: This is great for both personal and/or business use and works with different Windows operating systems, including 10/8/7/Vista and Windows Servers. It lets book collectors organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their computers, using the intuitive and simple interface, which is feature-packed and powerful.


Bookaholic: This software for listing books is the digital filing cabinet you need for your book collection, to organize everything in one place that is secure, searchable and can be accessed from other devices. With Tapforms, you can use the built-in design tool to create your own custom forms, by choosing from the ready form templates, and use that to track, manage and organize your book collection.


Bookaholic: This is a cloud software for listing books, movies, music and video games. With this tool, you can create and share your collection using the library management service, which lets you create multiple libraries, catalog books, create tags and notes, import or export your collection and much more.

All My Books

Bookaholic: This software for listing books helps you organize, track and archive your book collection, whether that is hard copy or printed books, audio and/or e-books, or all three combined, as it has all the features you need for listing your books.