All about current battery technology
This post from ARS Technica explains the different types of batteries in the market today, and their evolution in the last several years.
Startup stash
Startup stash is a list of resources for entrepreneurs and startups
QR Code Monkey
QRcode Monkey is a website to generate QR Codes (the 2D barcodes). It also have an API that can be used programatically.
Avond 4 daagse IJburg
Avond 4 daagse IJburg is an event organized in and around IJburg to go for 4 walls around the islands - there are 5 and 10km routes you can take.
Open source guides
Guides to help people start on the track of being an open source developer or otherwise contribute to open source projects.
Restaurant paviljoen puur
Restaurant outside in Diemen, Amsterdam
Jobs in Denmark
This is a list of technical jobs in Danish companies, being announced by the government of Denmark.
NL Net Foundation
The NLNet foundation is a ditch non-profit organization dedicated to increase privacy in the internet and hardening it.
Markdown Cheatsheet
This page is a list of all the markdown formating options.
Podcasts Fan:
An ex-Al Qaeda jihadi turned MI6 spy and a former monk turned filmmaker, have been embedded at the heart of conflicts in the Middle East. Together Aimen Dean and Thomas Small unpack the realities of war, fundamentalism and their global implications through first-hand experience.
Queer as Fact
Podcasts Fan:
Queer history podcast covering content from around the world and throughout time.
Dating Diaries: Questions & Confessions
Podcasts Fan:
Dating Diaries: Questions & Confessions unpacks the complexities and experiences of dating during the COVID-19 pandemic. The show will explore the minds, hearts and desperate measures of singles all over the country who are stuck at home, trying to find love and new ways to connect. Each week we will release an episode that features the unique perspectives of singles navigating this new age of dating. Dating Diaries: Quarantine Confessions is the podcast the country is craving right now.
Talking Tudors
Podcasts Fan:
A podcast for lovers of Tudor history.