topaz comics

Comic's Collector: Topaz Comics is comic making duo consisting of Michelle Parker (writer), and Jey Pawlik (artist). Together they create queer comics for anthologies, zines, and their own webcomics. Topaz Comics currently updates the webcomics "Dead City" and "Gender Slices".

thunderoos webcomic list

Comic's Collector: This is a list or a collection of webcomics I'm reading.It's a little different from other webcomic list in that I show actual comic pages(or at least try to), a summary of what the comic is about, who created the comic, it's genre and a rating of (safe for work, not safe for work, ect)


Comic's Collector: Gain creative, business, or tech skills from over 30,000 online courses. The site boasts expert instructors like author Roxane Gay and illustrator Yuko Shimizu.


Comic's Collector: Learn coding skills from Skillcrush's immersive three-month courses. Each course focuses on the skills needed for a specific career, like front end developer or freelance WordPress developer.

the webcomics review

Comic's Collector: A popular comic blog that reviews and discusses webcomics, and hosts regular writing contests


Learning for Live: This site is best for web developers looking to expand their skillset. Users pay a monthly membership fee to access video tutorials, online books, courses, and community discussions.

the webcomic crossover & cameo archive

Comic's Collector: The Webcomic Crossover & Cameo Archive is a decade old site created for preserving links to the the cameos & crossovers webcomics have made over the years and save them for posterity. Over the years the site has also become one of the most extensive lists of links to webcomics, new and old.

the web that caught the spider

Comic's Collector: What's worse than the terrible meme drought of 2017? Mass murder, probably.


Learning for Live: Acquired by LinkedIn in 2015, Lynda features over 13,000 courses in digital marketing, graphic design, IT security, and much more. Instead of paying for individual courses, users pay for a membership and then pick as many courses as they'd like.

the true face

Comic's Collector: A warrior has to question all his principles and find a new meaning for life.

General Assembly

Learning for Live: General Assembly has more than 30 physical campuses, but students can also take online classes taught by certified experts. General Assembly's specialties include technology, data, design, and business.

the tales of lev

Comic's Collector: This comic series centers around Thomas Lev who is not your ordinary young soldier. His life and battles rest in a dream-world, Gluban, that resides within a sleeping girl's mind.


Learning for Live: Learn to code for free in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, and more.