Fediverse Party
Fediverse Dweller:
Fediverse.Party is a website that lists the most important projects of distributed social networks. In there you can find a platform and/or a server that can host your next online profile for yourself or for one of your alter-egos.
Ferengi's rules of acquisition
From the star trek universe, the Ferengi's rules of acquisition are the rules of the ultra capitalist - and not always strictly honest - big eared aliens.
the 1x Engineer
This website is a small list of characteristcs of a 1x Engineer, the base line against which the mythical 10x engineer should be measured (but rarely is).
Awesome design pattern in software development
Amazing list of links to sites and articles about software development design patterns
5 Common linkedin scams
This post explains 5 common scans that people find in LinkedIn
random webcomic
Comic's Collector:
It's a site that sends you to a random webcomic. You can add your webcomics to the Random database (for free!) and tell everyone about them in the comment section on the main page.
Podcast About List
Podcasts Fan:
This is a podcast where we read lists from the internet