
Job Seeker: Working with startups can be exciting. You may get the chance to shape a brand’s identity and flex your creativity a bit more than with established companies. AngelList connects freelancers with these up-and-coming businesses.


Job Seeker: This freelance website aims to focus on designer jobs – everything from logos to book covers. It also allows clients to start a contest that everyone in 99Designs can participate in.

College Recruiter

Job Seeker: Student or recent grad? Browse this site to see what kind of part time freelance jobs pop up within your degree. These are going to be great beginner jobs that will get you experience and, hopefully, contacts for future work.

Working Not Working

Job Seeker: If you’ve ever checked out the Working Not Working magazine, you know that they’re serious about design and empowering those with the tools to help people grow in their careers. This branch of their company works so well in complementing this mission.


Job Seeker: Upwork offers tools to kickstart your freelance journey – collaborative space, built-in invoice maker, and transparent recruitment process. You might also be able to work for many famous clients such as Microsoft, Airbnb, Dropbox, etc.


Job Seeker: Contena tops the section of the best writing freelance jobs because of the sheer volume of well-paid (and high quality) jobs they always have available for writers, editors and content creators of all kinds. What I love most about Contena, is that they feature a mixture of freelance jobs and full-time remote jobs on their platform.

Writer Access

Job Seeker: If you want to become a freelance writer, Writer Access is the best platform. It covers all kinds of writing jobs, including online articles, case studies, tech papers, etc.


Job Seeker: Hireable gives you an opportunity to get a freelance job outside America or Europe with equal opportunity. It has a straightforward user interface and provides exactly what you expect from a freelance website: you get job alerts, recommendations, and see your saved jobs as well as the jobs you applied for.


Job Seeker: Toptal is a freelance website which promises companies they can hire the top 3% of global freelancers. Surely, you can be one of them if you work hard enough in building your skills.


Job Seeker: This freelance website has over 1.5 million freelancers that used their service. Every worker will have a rating, which is a great promotion. People Per Hour is free for freelancers, but the competition can be very challenging. You should always improve and set a reasonable fee so you’ll be more likely to get hired.

Red Hat

Job Seeker: Red Hat works with higher level clients in general, and employs freelancers and remote workers to help their clients with everything from software development to sales. If you have some experience, or think your skill set is high enough, check them out.


Job Seeker: When you fill in your Behance profile with great examples of your work, your work is put in front of an audience of like-minded creatives. And if your work earns the coveted spot of featured project, you'll get even more positive exposure. Who knows who might see it and might want to hire you. Behance also functions as a social media network to connect with other designers.


Job Seeker: Loads of content marketing vacancies can be easily found here. You can register to work as a freelance content strategist, editorial manager, and so on. Furthermore, it doesn’t just serve US or English-only companies because Skyword has been trusted by clients from 27 countries with 13 languages support.