
A Numeral: Their free option gives you access to some basic stats and facts, as well as the ability to download them as PDF or PNG formats. However, for $39 per month, you can gain access to over one million stats and download them in multiple formats to integrate the data nicely with your content.


A Numeral: Over the years, Snopes has been the go-to place for fact-checking myths and rumors and now, it has become an authoritative reference for debunking half-truths and outrageous claims. If you are unaware, Snopes is one of the oldest fact-checking websites on the internet and it was started by David and Barbara Mikkelson in 1994. Apart from its huge repository of debunked stories, Snopes still tackles fake news and misinformation in a smart way.


A Numeral: This highly trusted source generally presents hard data in the form of well-constructed articles. These are based on education, demographics, business, economy, and many other serious matters.

Statistic Brain

A Numeral: provides a wide range of facts, stats and insights about many industries under the sun, not just general business-to-business (B2B).

OUr World In Data

A Numeral: Our World in Data is a scientific online publication that focuses on large global problems such as poverty, disease, hunger, climate change, war, existential risks, and inequality

The Fact Site

A Numeral: The Fact Site is the number one source for the most interesting & random facts about animals, celebrities, food, films, games & so much more. You will learn something about everything!

Google Public Data Explorer

A Numeral: Google relies on information from sources like Eurostat, The U.S. Bureau of Statistics, U.S. Census, Statistics Iceland, and many others. And considering this is the world’s top search engine, you can count on all data to be regularly updated.


A Numeral: Not just political speeches and claims, but OpenSecrets goes neck deep and finds the effects of money lobbying into electoral politics. It tracks how a politician is being funded and who are the firms that are funneling money into politics. OpenSecrets has now one of the largest public databases of donors and political beneficiaries.


A Numeral: Divided among 5 prime categories :-Mind, Body, Life, World and Future, the website provides detailed and interesting facts.

HubSpot Research

A Numeral: HubSpot Research has quickly become a popular source to find facts and statistics about marketing and businesses. These guys cover topics based on advertising, blogging, branding, content marketing, email open rates, social media, SEO, and much more.