
The Brews Travelers' Outcast Podcast

Join us as we explore breweries in our hometown of Cincinnati...& beyond.We try to give the listener the "big picture" for the breweries we visit & also let you know of other breweries that are within traveling distance in case you want to take a Day Tour of that area.We talk about the size of the brewery, seating, parking, the aesthetic, etc. We also try to sit down w/ the brewer &/or owner & rip through a bunch of rapid-fire questions & then learn "The Story" of the brewery. Those rapid fire questions answer things like "Are you kid-friendly?", "Do you serve anything other than beer?", "Do you have food options?"...things like that. Our goal is to promote our amazing Craft Brewery Scene & make it easier for our fellow Brews Travelers to decide which breweries they would like to hit.