24th Jan 2022, 12:00 PM in The 503rd Oregon (The Left Must Hold)
ThePhilosopherStoned 24th Jan 2022, 12:00 PM edit delete
Lost strip! A long long time ago, before social media, I ran a forum. Many of the characters in this strip are based on people I interacted with on that forum. One of the people was a template for Jack, and he went on this beautiful Australia Day rant, and it was so legendary that I had to make it a strip.

You have until next Monday to see these two strips in the main continuity. After that, I'm gonna create a section for extra strips like this, and then we're gonna start the next chapter.

Also, while we're talking about people I based characters off of, happy birthday to my brother, he's turning 36 today and is not, in fact, a debatably sentient panda.