I mean, I’m sure this is probably the LEAST of the reasons this update too so long to finish, but it IS the only one I could think of that would allow me to make a meta reference to my slothful output AND still say something meaningful about the actual convention weekend itself.  Because yeah, not only was this one of the rare modern instances of me staying in a hotel room, but it’s also one of the few times EVER that I’ve roomed with people who weren’t going home until Monday.  I’ve never been able to afford to stick around that extra day, both in terms of money OR time, but I absolutely see the attraction.  It really does make a difference to not have to work around the flood of people trying to get down to the bottom floor before 11am, even if only by a couple of hours.  And man, on a drive as intense as the one to-and-from Atlanta, you’d better believe any little thing to cut down on Sunday stress was appreciated.

But yeah!  That’s it for Anime Weekend Atlanta!  I mean, not quite, since there’s still gonna be a few extra Patreon comics coming after this, but this IS probably going to be my last visit to AWA for the foreseeable future.  Don’t get me wrong, I really did appreciate the chance to pay one more visit the con at this location right by where I grew up and all, but it really was a mistake to try and do a whole second out-of-state con right after already doing Otakon.  I’m definitely gonna have to limit myself to just one per year from now on, unless I figure out some VERY different way of doing things.  That, and it sounds like AWA is being pushed back to December now, and that’s just off the table entirely for me.

BUT HEY, Animazement is just around the corner!  Like, literally, just a few weeks away.  Holy crap, this DID take a long time to finish, didn’t it?